
Collection of classes providing common utility functions

Project maintained by DimensionV Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


CommonUtilities is a collection of utility classes and commonly useful/used exceptions that make everyday programming in Java a lot easier.


This library is published under a simplified 2-clause BSD-License. It is bundled with the sources and the pre-built binaries as a markdown-file, called, and you can also read it here.


The CommonUtilities library is available via it's repository, and through the central maven repository at Maven Central.

Simply add it as a dependency to your favorite build system / dependency management system, and you will be able to use it.

Examples for Build-systems


compile 'de.dimensionv:commonutilities:1.3.0'




The library is documented using JavaDoc. I took great care to explain everything properly, but feel free send patches with improvements where you think it's appropriate. In case I agree and find the time, I will update the library.
Besides being available through the same channels as the library itself, you can also read it directly online here or via my javadoc-repository on

Known Issues

Currently there are no issues known beside the possibility that a small number unit-tests might fail on Java 1.6 and below. However, this does not effect the library itself, only the unit-tests. I might fix that when I feel like it.

If you find any bugs, feel free to