
Standard Dialogs and dialog-templates using DialogFragments

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AndroDialogs is a library providing easy to use standard dialogs and dialog-templates using DialogFragments. It's goal is to make use of dialogs as simple as possible. By using DialogFragments, it is ensured that the handling of the dialogs themselves is properly done by the Android System. This means that certain side-effects like leaked activities are less likely to happen than it was before the introduction of the DialogFragments.

Prebuilt Version

AndroDialogs is available via Maven Central. You can use it no matter if you use maven, gradle or ant/ivy. Simply add it as a dependency into you build-system's files.

Simply use these values:

For gradle, this would look like

compile 'de.dimensionv:androDialogs-nativelibs:1.0.0-196:nativelibsRelease@aar'

for the nativelibs flavor, and like

compile 'de.dimensionv:androDialogs-supportlibs:1.0.0-196:supportlibsRelease@aar'

for the supportlibs flavor.

For maven, this would look like


for the nativelibs flavor, and like


for the supportlibs flavor.

For other dependency management systems and/or build-systems, please refer to their respective documentations.

Wait, DialogFragments? That means API-Level 11 and above!?

Yes and no. This library actually comes in two flavors, and you need to decide on which flavor to use.

The Dialogs provided by AndroDialogs

The Standard Dialogs

The AndroDialogs library provides a number of ready-to-use standard dialogs:

The Dialog Templates

In addition to the ready-to-use standard dialogs, AndroDialogs also provides two distinct templates that can be filled with any arbitrary layout to either display information (like a progress dialog), or to actualy have the user enter some data, which is then processed by the app.